About us

We, Baltic Workforce are a company that is the chain between worker and agencies.

For many years we are operating with workers from foreign countries that are working in The Netherlands, as we worked for our selves for agencies and know the things people are facing to work in The Netherlands but also to come to The Netherlands. We are trying to help people that are looking for a job with an agency that promise what they say and we only want to cooperate with that kind of agencies.

Gintare Botinaite came to The Netherlands in 2013 from Lithuania to work and stayed living here. Different positions she had in several companies and agencies. Gintare speaks fluently Lithuanian, English and Dutch.

Dion Blankesteijn is a Dutch man, speaks fluently English, German and Dutch. He worked for different companies and also had several own companies. He worked also for some agencies in different positions and knows the “Dutch” market very good.

We, Baltic Workforce find it very important that every person is treated right and equal. We always try to help each person because we know how difficult things can be or get.

We don’t charge workers for our services, with the agencies we arrange this.